Zygmunt Orlowski


Poland- Gdynia

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Little known process of car breaking.

For making the experiment, you need:

1/car ( medium or bigger one) ;

The car must be provided with hydraulic and hand - brake - both in working order;

2/ two adults: / a delicate body - buit / women and /strong, full - fitting /man;

3/ a few meters long way going across the hill.

The care is driven by / delicate body - buit / woman who is reaching the height and than she's going down of the hill. During this process the car has the movement' energy.The driver / a woman with delicate body - buiding /, is turning the cluch down, is pushing the hydraulic brake using her right foot, so hard so that car is stopping.

Than she's leaving the car in neutral gear, she is stopping the engine, engaging the hand - brake and than she's turning the hydraulic brake off by taking her foot away from the pedal of hydaulic brake.

Right now this car:

1/ is deprived of propulsion; / stopped work of the engine /;

2/ is deprived of engine connection with driving wheels.Gearbox is switched off; / the neutral gear /;

3/ is deprived of hydraulic brake / turned off / ;

4/ without the possibility of movement is standing politely on the sloping way;

5/ is not provided with energy of movement.

The /delikate body – built / woman who was driving this car, is getting out of the car and put herself in front of the car. She,s finding the right place to rest her feet on the road und using her both hands she's propping on the car mask. The place near the steering wheel is taken over by the companion / well - built man/. This companion move the hand - brake down. The woman / wih delicate body building / propped on the car mask is trying using all her body to make impossible the movement of the car that is going down. Unfortunely, a / delicate body - built / woman is not able to stop the car this way.


Why the / delicate body - built / woman pushing the pedal of the hydraulic brake by her right foot stopped only the car deprived of propulsion that is going down / car which had the certain energy of the movement / and right now the same car does't listen to this woman and is going down along the way by itself. What is the reason why we notice the lack of the obedience???


Maybe the right leg of that woman is stronger than two put together on the ground.

Attention! The author of this experiment hopes that sameone will find a professional physicist who is able to give the correct answer for this question???

Gdynia, Oct. 2006